#business benefits

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6 days ago
Artificial intelligence

Make AI adoption a strategic, ROI-focused and sustainable transformation, says HPE

Properly factoring the long-term resources and energy costs is crucial for successful AI deployment. [ more ]
1 day ago

Council Post: Why Prioritizing Consumer Rights Matters For Businesses

Prioritizing consumer rights leads to greater brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and financial performance for businesses. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Generative AI: Business Sectors That Can Benefit

Generative AI offers significant benefits to businesses by enhancing content generation and quality through continuous improvement. [ more ]
Social Media Today
5 months ago
Software development

A comprehensive guide to partnering with top app development companies

There are over 6.37 billion smartphone users worldwide today.
Mobile apps offer numerous benefits for businesses. [ more ]
11 months ago
UK news

Scottish deposit return can absolutely' work without glass, operator insists

Scotland's deposit return scheme (DRS) can absolutely go ahead without glass bottles included, the boss of the company set up to run it has said.David Harris, chief executive of Circularity Scotland, said, however, that if the scheme north of the border was dumped as a result of a row between Holyrood and Westminster there could be knock-on impacts on similar initiatives in the rest of the UK As many as 1.8 billion cans and plastic bottles could be returned in Scotland each year under DRS with Mr Harris insisting this is well above what is currently being achieved in terms of recycling rates.
1 year ago
Data science

How to scale infinite and complex IoT data

Check out all the on-demand sessions from the Intelligent Security Summit here.By 2022, we are expected to have more than 14 billion connected devices generating a volume of data we could never have imagined.When it comes to Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and data collectors, more is more.The size of modern datasets can leave leaders of large-scale IoT deployments lost at where to begin analyzing and interpreting data for business benefits.
5 months ago

This underrated leadership habit is crucial to success

Practicing gratitude has immediate effects on our nervous system by lowering stress hormones and boosting good hormones.
Implementing an employee recognition program can motivate employees more than money. [ more ]
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